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Frosty Falls
Help be a part of our 2024 menu!
Would you buy a fruit smootie if we offered them?
Yes please!
I might
Depending on variety offered
I'm just here for ice cream
Gourmet Hot Dogs: How does this make you feel?
Hungry- bring em on!
I just like regular hot dog toppings.
I'm just here for ice cream.
I'd try a vegan variety.
What if we put ice cream and toppings on top of a fresh cupcake?
I have been dreaming you would do this someday.
Vegan option?
Depending on variety offered
I'm just here for ice cream
Red Bull Slushies. Coffee Slushies.
Yes Red Bull
Yes Coffee
Yes Both
No Thank you
Is there any item/ sundae we made before that you would like to see come back in 2024?
What item would you like to see someday on our menu?
When do you typically go out for ice cream?
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Anything you would like to add?
Please rate your overall satisfaction with our product
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Very satisfied
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Thank you for taking time to give us some insight!
Holiday Menu
Holiday Dessert Menu
Holiday Breakfast Delivery
Yo Dawg Pie
Order 12 Days of Ice Cream
Our Menu
Secret Menu
Ice Cream Cakes
Hard Ice Cream
Signature Sundaes
Soft Ice Cream & Water Ice
Frosty Filler Bowls
Hot Chocolate
CBD Water Ice
Cereal Killers
Passport 2025
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